There is No Glass Ceiling

A very hot topic right now is gender equality and equal pay. This week, a historic bill was passed in California to enforce equal pay for women. This got me thinking, “Have I ever been discriminated against for being a woman in tech? Have I ever made less than the current market rate? Is there a glass ceiling for women?” No, I have never been discriminated against for being a woman. I have never made less than the current market rate in my city. For me personally, there is no glass ceiling for women in tech.

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Market Research

I do not have any experience in other industries but I can tell you what my experience has been as a woman in tech. Ever since I graduated from college in 2002 with a BS in Computer Science, I researched the current market rate for job titles in my city. I have gone through salary negotiations when I felt that the employer was low balling me. I was never afraid to let them know I had done my research and I knew what I was worth.

Job Hopping

I have also job hopped quite a bit. Some of the job hopping was due to unfortunate layoffs but I was never laid off because I am a woman. I believe I was laid off many times because I have a moderate stutter but that’s a story for another day! Most of my job hopping was strategic. Whenever I applied for a new job, I always set my salary at least $10,000 above my last job. In recent years I was able to set my salary between $20,000 – $30,000 above what I earned previously and that skyrocketed me into a six figure salary.

Earn What You Are Worth

I am not saying that I doubt women have been discriminated against in other industries. I do not think there would be such a large movement for equal pay if women were getting equal pay. What I am saying is that if you do not know what you are worth and negotiate your salary accordingly, no employer is going to just give you the salary you deserve. Nothing in this world is given, it is earned. Right now I earn more than the current market rate for a Technical Architect in my city. I know a lot of men in my position who are earning less. I do not see it as a gender issue. If you go into an interview confident with your skills and your price tag, you will get what you are worth whether you are a man or a woman.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree or disagree? Start a conversation by adding a comment!

Have a great week and Happy Coding! #LearnLoveLiveCode