Job Searching During The Holiday Season

Job Searching During the Holiday Season

It has happened to the best of us. Through no fault of our own, we lose jobs in October due to layoffs which is very common in the tech industry. So, that puts us in the position of trying to find a job during the holiday season including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah. Many job seekers feel that job searching during the holiday season is a fruitless effort but timing is everything! Here are some tips to help you with job searching during the holiday season.

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Do Not Wait Until January

Hiring Managers and Recruiters need to fill positions to start in January and they may have a decreased workload due to so many people being on vacation. They may be more receptive to applicants during their downtime and you should take advantage of this opportunity to get your resume in front of many potential employers. As with any job search, you may need to submit many job applications to get a few interviews so take advantage of downtime during the holiday season to connect with as many hiring managers and recruiters as you can!

Less Competition

Some people may stop job searching during the holiday season thinking that no one is hiring so it is a good time for you to strike while the iron is hot! The tech industry is very competitive and taking advantage of this slow season with less competition could potentially land you a great job.

Stay Positive

Stay positive and focus on what you do have vs what you do not. Do not lose your confidence or get desperate. Having a positive can-do attitude will help to impress hiring managers and show them your ability to persevere.

Wish Professional Contacts Happy Holidays

Reach out to contacts in your professional network to wish them a happy holiday and touch base. You never know what conversations you can start and someone in your network of professional contacts may have a job opening that you can fill.

Job searching during the holiday season is not a fruitless effort. Be sure to go into your job search armed with an outstanding cover letter, resume, and portfolio website!

Have a great week and Happy Coding! #LearnLoveLiveCode