Tactics and Tools for Troubleshooting Front-end Web Development

New Course! Tactics and Tools for Troubleshooting Front-end Web Development

I am pleased to announce that my first Pluralsight course, Tactics and Tools for Troubleshooting Front-end Web Development, is now live! If you are not familiar with Pluralsight, they are the top website for self-paced online developer training. I am truly honored to be a part of their very active developer community.

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About Tactics and Tools for Troubleshooting Front-end Web Development

This course is a beginner level course for front-end web developers and back-end web developers who do light front-end work. I teach you how to use the most popular front-end web development troubleshooting tools including the Chrome DevTools, Firebug, Firefox Developer Edition, IE Developer Tools, and BrowserStack.

My Pluralsight Experience

I am so pleased with my Pluralsight experience. From my initial interview to finalizing the course, this has been one of the best experiences of my professional career. I feel like Pluralsight pays attention to detail and nothing is missed. It took a lot of work to get the course done but it is something that I am proud of and I cannot wait for you to see it! Tactics and Tools for Troubleshooting Front-end Web Development is set to be published in Fall 2016.

My Pluralsight Audition

Pluralsight requires an audition before authors are approved. I had to produce a short training video about any topic of my choice. I chose ASP.NET MVC, AJAX, and JSON because that is an area where I have a lot of expertise. I have added a link to my Pluralsight audition video on YouTube below. I hope this helps others who are interested in becoming an author on Pluralsight!

If you are interested in becoming an author, please contact me using the form below!