Lead Developer Career Guide – Now In Print!

Learn the skills you need to be a lead developer, with expert advice on mentoring teams, handling clients and project managers, and keeping your head in emergencies.

In the Lead Developer Career Guide you’ll discover:

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  • What a lead developer does
  • Writing effective technical documentation
  • Improving development processes
  • Communicating with non-technical clients
  • Mentoring and inspiring a team
  • Delivering negative feedback
Lead Developer Career Guide by Shelley Benhoff

About the Author

Shelley Benhoff, Co-Owner at HoffsTech

Shelley has 25+ years of experience in IT as an Entrepreneur, Manager, Trainer, Docker Community Leader, and Sitecore MVP.  She has a passion for tiaras, technology, gaming, and general nerdery. She loves to learn new things as well as mentor and teach others.  She teaches leadership, communication, Docker, and Sitecore development. Shelley is currently a Co-Owner of HoffsTech, LLC, an organization that she started with her family to provide online learning and tech content creation.