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Best Websites To Learn To Code For Free

As a junior developer, it can be overwhelming to navigate the vast amount of resources available to learn how to code. However, there are a few of the best websites to learn to code for free that can provide a solid foundation to start your coding journey.

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100 Devs

100devs is a great resource for beginners. It offers a comprehensive list of 100 websites and resources that can help you learn coding, with a focus on web development. The website is organized into categories, making it easy to find resources that match your interests and skill level.

Free Code Camp

Another great resource is FreeCodeCamp. This website offers a variety of interactive coding tutorials and projects, with a focus on web development, data visualization, and backend development. The tutorials are well-organized and easy to follow, and the projects provide a hands-on learning experience.

Code Academy

Code Academy is another popular resource for learning to code. They offer a variety of interactive coding tutorials and projects, with a focus on web development, data science, and computer science. They have a free version of the platform which offers enough resources to get started with coding.


Skillcrush is a website that offers a variety of resources for learning to code, with a focus on web development and design. They offer a variety of free tutorials, including a 10-day coding bootcamp that can help you get started with coding quickly.

Deborah Kurata’s YouTube Channel

Deborah Kurata is an Author and Speaker with decades of experience in tech. Her YouTube Channel has full courses on beginning development and working on teams. With her content, you will dive deep into not only the “how” but the “why” behind developing code and learning new skills. You need her in your life!

In conclusion, these are the best websites to learn to code for free that are available for junior developers to learn how to code. 100devs, FreeCodeCamp, Code Academy, Skillcrush, and Deborah Kurata’s YouTube Channel are all great options that can provide a solid foundation for learning to code. Start with any of these resources and you will be on your way to becoming a skilled developer.

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