Leading under pressure: Tips for tech leaders to navigate common high-pressure situations that tech leaders face.
Lead Developer Career Guide – Available Now!
The Lead Developer Career Guide is available now from Manning Publications Early Access Program (MEAP)!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Interview Questions
Asking diversity, equity, and inclusion interview questions is essential for tech leaders who want to create an inclusive workplace.
Basics of Agile Project Management
Learning the basics of Agile Project Management helps teams stay ahead of the competition and ensure that their customers’ needs are met.
Recognizing Mental Health Issues in the Workplace
Recognizing mental health issues in the workplace is a crucial step to understanding these issues and removing the stigma.
How To Conduct a Job Interview Effectively
Understanding how to conduct a job interview effectively will help you identify the best candidates for the job and build a strong team.
What is a Sprint Review vs Retrospective?
Understanding what is a sprint review vs retrospective is crucial in the iterative and incremental approach of Scrum.
Ways To Show Leadership Skills in Tech
Explore some practical ways to show leadership skills in tech that can help you stand out and advance your career.
Creating a Kanban Board in Jira
Creating a Kanban board in Jira can help you visualize your team’s progress, track tasks, and optimize your workflow.
What Are Story Points In Agile Methodology?
What are story points in Agile methodology? Understanding how to use them is a crucial step to achieving success in any Agile transformation.